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About InfoExpress:

InfoExpress provides network security solutions that enhance productivity and security through better visibility, improved security, and automating device and mobile access to the network.

 Hundreds of security conscious-organizations use InfoExpress products to secure their networks, data and client information.

​InfoExpress’ solutions have been deployed at organizations of all sizes throughout the world, ranging from mid-sized to some of the largest enterprise networks in the world.

InfoExpress is a company that provides network security solutions, focusing primarily on Network Access Control (NAC), helps organizations manage and secure access to their networks.

  • Their products and services are designed to help organizations secure their networks by ensuring that only authorized devices can access network resources, effectively managing and reducing the risk of unauthorized access and cyber threats
  • InfoExpress provides network security solutions that enhance productivity and security through better visibility, improved security, and automating device and mobile access to the network.
  • Using InfoExpress can strengthen your organization’s network security posture, ensure compliance with security policies, enhance operational efficiency through automation, and provide a scalable solution to meet the growing needs of your business.
  • InfoExpress’ solutions have been deployed at organizations of all sizes throughout the world, ranging from mid-sized to some of the largest enterprise networks in the world.
  • It serves public, academic, school, institutional, and special libraries across the state, enabling them to transport materials quickly and securely to other libraries.

Product: InfoExpress NAC (Easy NAC)


  • Network Device Discovery and Identification: Identifies and categorizes wired and wireless devices connected to the network.
  • Device Health Assessment: Analyzes device features and capabilities to ensure they meet security standards.
  • Access Control: Grants or restricts network access based on device compliance and security posture.
  • Policy Enforcement: Enforces pre-defined security policies for network access.
  • Guest Access Management: Provides secure and controlled guest network access.

Key Features:

  • Agentless Architecture: No software needs to be installed on devices for them to be managed by InfoExpress NAC.
  • Network Agnostic: Works with various network configurations, including wired, wireless, and VLANs.
  • Zero-Trust Approach: Continuously verifies device identities and security posture before granting access.
  • Flexible Enforcement Options: Offers granular control over network access based on various factors like device type, user role, and security posture.
  • Automated Workflows: Streamlines tasks like device onboarding, remediation, and reporting.

Benefits of NAC:

  • Enhanced Network Security: Prevents unauthorized devices and malware from accessing the network.
  • Improved Device Visibility: Provides a comprehensive overview of all devices connected to the network.
  • Simplified Compliance: Helps organizations comply with regulations requiring network access control.
  • Reduced IT Workload: Automates NAC tasks, freeing up IT resources.